

Adult — Fountain County (Carla Frazier)
Adult — Hancock County (Dylan Martin)
Caterpillar — Tippecanoe County (Karen Travis)
flag of France Exotic to North America

Depressaria radiella — Parsnip Webworm Moth

(Goeze, 1783)

radiella Species Depressaria Genus Depressariinae Subfamily Family Depressariidae Gelechioidea Superfamily Order Lepidoptera Insecta Class Hexapoda Subphylum Phylum Arthropoda Kingdom Animalia
radiella Species Depressaria Genus Depressariinae Subfamily Family Depressariidae Gelechioidea Superfamily Order Lepidoptera Insecta Class Hexapoda Subphylum Phylum Arthropoda Kingdom Animalia

Hodges# 0922


Depressaria: Combines the Greek deprimere, meaning “to press down” or “flatten,” with the common zoological Greek suffix, ia, used to form nouns.

radiella: Combines the Latin radi, meaning “beam” or “to shine,” with the suffix ella means “small.”


dep-res-ahr-ee-uh ray-dee-el-uh

Adult — Fountain County (Carla Frazier)
Adult — Hancock County (Dylan Martin)
Caterpillar — Tippecanoe County (Karen Travis)

Documented Occurrences

This map shows the confirmed sightings of parsnip webworm moth in Indiana. All sightings were confirmed through photographic documentation by individuals who contributed to the Great American IN Nature Lepidoptera Project (GAIN LP).

species present icon GAIN LP
in county.

Documented North American Sightings as of 3/23/2020

GAIN LP Sightings

Date County Observer Notes Image1 Image2
2019-07-07 Hancock Martin, Dylan Adult
2019-04-17 Hamilton McCord, Dan Adult Confirmed
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Observation Details Images
Date: 2019-07-07
County: Hancock
Observer: Martin, Dylan
Notes: Adult
Date: 2019-04-17
County: Hamilton
Observer: McCord, Dan
Notes: Adult Confirmed
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Parsnip webworm moth Sightings by Month

Conservation Status

Floral Associates

Parsnip webworm moth larvae feed exclusively on seeds in the carrot (Apiaceae) family.

Known Larval Food Sources in Indiana
Family Taxonomic Name Common Name
Order: Apiales
ApiaceaeApium graveolenwild celery
Heracleum spp.cow parsnip and hogweed
Pastinaca sativawild parsnip